Mr. Charles D Williams

Friday, October 19, 2012

Think It Through Based on which side are you on!

There are only two actual sides in my world.  The good side and The bad side.  My thought process is based solely on that simple concept. This has brought me to think it through thoroughly in the area of education and basically overhaul practices and areas which need the fundamental of care from the spirit and heart of any if not all community.

The "Follow Up" Program

Do not disregard this program based on my writing skillset.  Think it through completely. Visualize it step by step.  We are a media technology society and growing.  We need more jobs created in our society. We need more cures for our society. We need more healthcare individuals in our society. We need more childcare facilities and individuals in our society. We need more funding for our school systems in general and this is prior to reaching the higher level education system.

The Follow Up program is simple, affordable, doable, accessible, and requires the most basic in common place thinking as possible.  The average new community developed involves a community infrastructure of 250 units.  This is an average minimum of 250 persons up to 1,000 persons or more and counting.  This represents a need for a minimum of 250 jobs up to 1,000+ jobs.  This requires a day care, an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. 

The needs require a nearby health facility, dental facility, food and beverage facility, athletic facility, cleaners, retail facilities, and more.  The question of math will suggest there needs to be an average of 10,000 persons involved for every community.

The average community with or without special care needs can generate collectively $10,000 per month to its own funding at an accountability of $10 per individual.  How do you protect such a donation in times like these? Simply establish a brand name, logo, and non for profit ogranization which supports its community through technological standards and mediums such as the internet, social networking, and positive reinforcement. 

Community X has accepted the program and is committed without flaw. Annually this community raises $120,000 a year and continued to do so for 12 years straight. There are 250 units in this community.  This community set up a tax free safe haven for its donations to support the community.  The community after its first year put the remaining funding into a diversified portfolio which is conservative and clear and makes a 5 year turn around to the community. Now 6 years has passed and this community has established a baby boom of  2.3 children per household. 

This basic family scenario of immediate new beginning households sets theplay in motion for the growing needs and concerns of such a community.  Here comes the program.  The program is a social member model of the program known as social security but with one complete exception.  It's designed to reinvest in your future to replenish your lifestyle from the standard debt to income ratio which has been out of control for an average of 30+years and counting.

There is no time for who is to blame when over one billion citizens have come and gone inside of these hundred years.  The power of the people is stronger than we practice.  We can do better. We will do better. We are better for doing what we really can do! Here is a simple mathematical suggestion.  Based on accountability, census, at cost, and projected numbers for a community development and standard growth practices such as family and business, each household in the community can contribute a minimum of $40 per month for the life of the residency of the home.

The purpose of the contribution is to grow a capital option which can be utilized in leverage for community assistance and additional revenue accrual from traditional entitys and funding institutions.  Collectively as a community we are investing in our own growth and development as we not only minimize our debt to income ratio, but we are able to borrow from ourselves to enhance our needs in health, landscape, education, and more.  The fundamental problem with the program is that is simply requires commitment from each community member.

How do you keep a community committed, enthused, appreciative, focused, hands on, diligent, proud, and exemplory in a direction which requires 110% thought and action?  You don't.  That's correct. You don't ask the community to do anything.  What it takes is a lead by example.  So here is my proposal.

2500 Individuals contribute $10 per pay check to a (equal to 52 weeks) Savings Fund deasigned for deposit only.  Establish a business name.  Purchase either a property or building and grow your capital from the beauty of the internet, coffee shops, after school programs, workshops, and the list grows into a foundation of per person need based all you can eat purposed demographic valued by simplicity and functionality.  Be the watering hole every animal in the wildern or jungle seeks to quench a thirst. 

These 2500 Individuals will receive and pay out rewards and benefits from dedication and discpline.  The discpline is required for patience as the module functions complete their steps, cycles, and phases for success. 

  1. This requires time for the promotion phase to reach the customer demographic whom values the service options extended.
  2. This requires time for the face to face meet and greets to visit and reaffirm the business services options to the general public whom could use a private service
  3. This requires time for the adjustments made be it licenses, fees, maintenance, and mechanics of remaining functional within the zoned areas of law pertainng to service and the public
  4. Accounting and Administration steps to update and review all traffic of revenue, bookings, dates, deadlines, and requests based on at costs function data and reports
  5. Equipment Purchasements and Enhancements to ensure clean equipment and marketing strategies displaying why to every possible client customer to use service and its functions
Once all 5 metrics are self sustained or agency functional by remote modules of count per call, click, or face to face standards it's basically a matter of daily function review which updates projected and on hand data which shall display the numbers showing and required to hit any target goal.