Mr. Charles D Williams

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let's Purchase a Limousine!!!

The title "Let's purchase a Limousine" was the introductory proposal made to a very select group of professionals. The proposal in simplistic logistics says "we all are partners and clients of this one vehicle type each year for 3 consecutive years. We after the 3rd year are vested and should receive percentages each year up to 7 full consecutive years from the revenues accrued by Charles Williams Limousine & Sedan.

I, Charles Williams, shall remain committed to the partner clients who honor this agreement and its process designed solely for absolute success.
Three consecutive years by each member ($575 X 3yrs=$1725) creates purchase capital to obtain 1 vehicle each year up to three. These three vehicles will obtain on a per vehicle plateau minimums of 26-52 partner clients each vehicle, each year up to 5 years.
This formula is a self paced, low overhead and expense formula. This process allows for daily activities which also generate revenues such as raffles, advertising space, tip only service, donations only service or anything which does not take a loss on use of vehicle and fuel expenses. This alone requires average of $180-$275 daily take in each calendar date.
There are a healthy 250 days, 104+ weekend days, 98 prime days in which success shall be driven.

There are variables of organizations, groups, teams, and individuals whom can benefit from a multipurposed service such as this.

What will not happen are the following items listed below:

Selling of contact data such as email, names, or numbers of members.

Miscommunication of dates, services, and times.